Saturday, April 13, 2013

Alps murder: DNA found at scene 'could be that of killer'

French police say they may have found DNA from the killer of a British family gunned down in the Alps. 

Police surround the BMW at the scene of the shooting in woods near Chevaline in the French Alps. Photo: JULIAN SIMMONDS
The vital breakthrough comes more than seven months after members of the Al-Hilli family were gunned down in an isolated beauty spot close to Lake Annecy.
It is being analysed at two laboratories in France and will enable detectives to step up their international manhunt for the murderer.
Saad Al-Hilli, 50, died alongside his wife Ikbal, 47, and his mother-in-law Suhalia Al-Allaf, 74, in their BMW car on September 5th.
Sylvain Mollier, a 45-year-old French cyclist was also killed in the bloodbath, which is believed to have been carried out by at least one gunman brandishing a pistol.
Now Annecy prosecutor Eric Maillaud has confirmed that "unidentified DNA" was found on "elements at the scene".
These are believed to include spent gun cartridges and even parts of the murder weapon which mysteriously broke during the attack.
The DNA does not match any of the people who first arrived at the scene of the killings, including British cyclist Brett Martin – an ex RAF Serviceman who raised the alarm – and three French hikers.

Now Mr Maillaud has asked for saliva samples of all the police and medics who dealt with the early investigation.
This is to ensure that the scene was not contaminated with their DNA – something which the authorities made every effort to avoid.
The DNA is being analysed by scientists at the gendarmes national criminal research institute, the IRCGN, near Paris.
Samples have also been delivered to Christian Doutremepuich, a professor who runs a state-of-the-art laboratory in Bordeaux, in south west France.
Mr Maillaid said the research protocols of the two centres were very different – ensuring the best possible chance of linking the DNA with the killer.
"This is a classic procedure," said Mr Maillaud. "It means that we do not put all our eggs in one basket."
Mr Maillaud said that they needed to ensure the DNA was not a result of "pollution at the scene" before making an effort to link it with known hitmen and other criminals who may be living abroad.
The aim is to build up a complete database of everyone who approached the al-Hilli’s car, and the surrounding areas, said Mr Maillaud, who said that a tight security perimeter had been put in place within hours of the crime.


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